President Evil Online: The net's ONLY horror n' humor political parody website!
Savage Satire! NeoConspiracies! Terrifying Revelations! Obvious Truths!
  by D X Stone
Our president sees dead people.
Everywhere he looks.

Meet the REAL Fockers - Page 3

 Other promising appointments have been delayed or fought off by the dominant elitist leftist oligarchy, who will obviously stop at NOTHING to make the world more "fair" and "sane" and all that other bleeding-heart communist claptrap nonsense...

John Bolton is rearin' to get started on the big plans he has for the United Nations as new US Ambassador...


There are so many others not yet mentioned, and so many new and exciting developments unfolding every day; more will be added to these pages as the situation progresses...

All Evil Toons, All The Time!


President Evil Online Home

  The Lovely Dick Cheney Page

  Four More Beers, Quick!


  Stoopidity for Dummies

Our Leaders Are Chucky-Dolls

 Meet the REAL Fockers!

  Revenge of the Living Rummy

 The Halliburton Horror

President Pinhead

  More Stoopider Even

 Obscenity of the Week


Other Neat & Scary Stuff

 Site Map of Doom

Millions are Horrified!!!

 The OJ Simpson Defense Rap

The Scary News

 The Surreal News

The Bipolar Bowler

 More Funny Poem-Things

Who The Hell Am I, Anyway? 


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All material on this site is ©Copyright 2005 by Daniel Xavier Stone. All rights reserved.