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I don't know if absolute power corrupts absolutely, but I do know this:
If you're rich enough, you can get away with anything.









Bad Rap

(The OJ Defense Rap)

by D X Stone


I never meant to murder her

I never meant to hurt her, sir

I meant to hurt her furniture

I meant no real harm to her

I'd have never thrown that hatchet

If I didn't think she'd catch it

But be that as it was or were

I never meant to murder her


I never meant to cause her pain

And if I could do it again

I'd prob'ly just stay home in bed

And kill her in my dreams instead!

Remember, too--those gloves don't fit!

That proves I'm innocent, don't it?

But be that as it may or might

I couldn't kill them both that night...


The reason is: My knees are bad!

And I'm too nice--I can't get mad!

And I was practicing my swing--

And sleeping! Yeah, yeah--that's the thing!

I was asleep and chipping shots!

I also tend to bleed a lot--

But there's no law against it so

I leave blood everywhere I go!


That's right, that's right!--so anyway

Those lyin' po-lice in LA

Are racists! The entire staff!

Not one asked for an autograph!

They prob'ly killed those two themselves!

Or maybe cocaine-dealing elves

With magic powers had them whacked...

That sometimes happens! It's a fact!

This mystery is still unsolved!

Who knows who else might be involved?

Maybe just some lone wild wacko--

Or perhaps an alliance of Big Tobacco

With the lib'ral media--and UFO's!

Who can say? Who really knows?


I never meant to murder her

I never meant to hurt her, sir

I meant to hurt her furniture

I meant no real harm to her

I'd have never thrown that hatchet

If I didn't think she'd catch it

But be that as it was or were

I never meant to murder her...











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