Maureen Dowd Disappears!
After Questioning Publicly How Lawmaking Could Possibly
Be "Like Tipping Cows"
In her final column,, "Like Tipping Cows", sassy n' classy
syndicated columnist Maureen Dowd really went off on President Bush, ridiculing
with uncommon venom his pathetic use of analogy and ongoing struggles with
his own native language, not to mention basic human reason. She made a most
unflattering statement questioning his status as a truly potent alpha male,
characterizing such popular perception as entirely fictional and advancing
the opinion that "no self-respecting woman would allow that--that creature
to crawl all up on her at night, I don't care what the gig pays."
And she finished by stating flatly that "the entire Republican leadership
of this country are a bunch of flesh-eating ghouls."
And that's pretty much the story right there. She was apparently tense
or irritable about something or other, maybe time of the month, who knows?
Women, y'know? Anyway, that very night she apparently trashed her
own apartment and abruptly disappeared.
We'll let you know if anyone sees her.
Maybe she bit the big cosmic cyanide pie!... I wonder if Clinton had
anything to do with it?
Prove she ever actually existed or just shutup about it, DemoFart!
Take THAT on a date and rape it!
Haw! Stoopid reetards!
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